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Saturday, September 5, 2015
Island X
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9:09 AM
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There are three categories of tribes in Island X; a Truther, who
always speaks truthfully; a Liar, who always speaks falsely; and an
Altetnator, who makes statements that are alternatively truthful and
false, albeit not necessarily in that order.
A visitor approaches three inhabitants and asks who is a Truther. They answer as follows:
A says:
1. I am a Truther
2. B is a Liar
B says:
1. I am a Alternator
2. C is a Liar
C says:
1. I am a Truther
2. A is a Liar
Determine the identity of each of the three inhabitants from the information provided in the above statements.
A visitor approaches three inhabitants and asks who is a Truther. They answer as follows:
A says:
1. I am a Truther
2. B is a Liar
B says:
1. I am a Alternator
2. C is a Liar
C says:
1. I am a Truther
2. A is a Liar
Determine the identity of each of the three inhabitants from the information provided in the above statements.
Island X Puzzle Solution
Assume that A is the Truther. If so, then B is the Liar as A's statement asserts. If so, B's second statement is false, so C is the Alternator. This implies that C's first statement is false as also his second statement that A is the Liar, so that C is the Liar which is a contradiction, so that A cannot be the Truther.Assume that B is the Truther. If so, his first statement is a direct contradiction, implying amongst other things, that B cannot be the Truther.
Assume that C is the Truther. If so, then A is the Liar in conformity with his second statement, so the remaining member B must be the Alternator. This checks out since as a Alternator, B's first statement is true while in his second statement he falsely identified C as the Liar. Both of A's statement are then clearly false, so this establishes the veracity of both the statements of C.
Consequently, (A, B, C) = (Liar, Alternator, Truther)
Monday, August 31, 2015
A Farmer's Good Fortune
Games Reviewer
9:07 AM
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farmer-s fortune
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A farmer from a small community is out of money. After a mysterious
desease spread among and killed his lifestock, he now needs to quickly
make up for the lost animals. He needs a whole grand.
Knowing that the bank won't lend him any money, he pays a visit to the local loan shark. The outlaw, who's known to have a bit of an obsession with puzzles, proposes a deal.
With the $1,000 he gets, the farmer has to be able to buy a combination of cows, pigs, and sheep, to total exactly 100 heads of lifestock. The combination has to include at least one cow ($100 each), one pig ($30 each), and one sheep ($5 each). The total amount of money spent for the 100 animals has to equal exactly $1,000.
If the farmer manages to accomplish the task, he'll have to return the money with a "friendly" interest rate. Otherwise, he'll get the normal rate, and the threat of a broken pinkie...
How many of each kind of livestock did the farmer buy?
Knowing that the bank won't lend him any money, he pays a visit to the local loan shark. The outlaw, who's known to have a bit of an obsession with puzzles, proposes a deal.
With the $1,000 he gets, the farmer has to be able to buy a combination of cows, pigs, and sheep, to total exactly 100 heads of lifestock. The combination has to include at least one cow ($100 each), one pig ($30 each), and one sheep ($5 each). The total amount of money spent for the 100 animals has to equal exactly $1,000.

If the farmer manages to accomplish the task, he'll have to return the money with a "friendly" interest rate. Otherwise, he'll get the normal rate, and the threat of a broken pinkie...
How many of each kind of livestock did the farmer buy?
A Farmer's Good Fortune Puzzle Solution
Here's one combination:94 sheep = $470 1 pig = $30 5 cows = $500 ----------------- 100 heads = $1000
Are there anymore?
Thursday, August 6, 2015
U2 Gig
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8:59 AM
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Unfortunately they only have one torch between them which must be used to cross the bridge safely and may not be thrown, only carried across the bridge.
The bridge will hold up to two band members at any time.
Each member crosses at their own pace and two members must go at the slower members pace.
Bono can cross in one minute, The Edge in two, Adam in five, and Larry in ten.
How do they make it in time?
U2 Gig Puzzle Solution
The trick is to get the two slowest people to cross at the same time. One solution is...- Bono and Edge cross the bridge for which they take 2 mins (Total time = 2)
- Then Bono comes back with the torch (Total Time = 2 + 1 = 3)
- Then Adam and Larry cross the bridge (Total time = 3 + 10 = 13)
- Then Edge comes back (Total = 13+2 = 15)
- Then both Bono and Edge cross the bridge (Time = 15+2=17)
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Four Hats
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8:48 AM
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Four men have been buried all the way to the neck, only their heads
stick out. They cannot turn their heads, so they can see only in front
of them. A wall has been placed between A and B, so that A cannot see the other 3 (B, C, D), and viceversa. All of them know in which position the others have been buried. So, for example, B knows that C and D can see him, even though he can't see them.
A hat has been placed on top of each man's head. All of them know that there are two black hats and two white hats, but no one is told the colour of the hat he's wearing.
They will all be saved if at least one of them can safely say what
colour is the hat he's wearing. Otherwise they'll all be decapitated.
Which one of them saved the day? And, most importantly, how?
A hat has been placed on top of each man's head. All of them know that there are two black hats and two white hats, but no one is told the colour of the hat he's wearing.

Which one of them saved the day? And, most importantly, how?
Four Hats Puzzle Solution
C saves the day.D clearly has the most information at his hands, but seeing one white and one black hat doesn't give him any certainty about his own hat's colour. Would B and C both have been wearing the same colour, D would have been able to provide the answer.
But C is one clever guy and he knows that if D doesn't answer, it means that B is wearing a different colour than him. Because B is wearing white, C knows he's wearing black.
Note that A is redundant: the puzzle could have included only B, C, D. That way, the hats would have been three, with two hats of the same unspecified colour, and one other hat of the opposite colour.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Weighing an Elephant
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8:44 AM
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The visitor brought a present with him. It was an elephant.
The visitor gave it and said, "Can you measure the elephant's rough weight in a day?"
The king of the port city consulted with the retainers. "We just have beam scales weighing bags. Do you have any ideas?"
One vassal said, "I can make the relevant measuring equipment assembling large levers and pulleys, your majesty."
"Can you make it in a day?"
"......I can't."
Another vassal said, "How about weighing in pieces after killing the elephant?"
"I won't."
At last they found the method and measured the elephant's approximate weight without sophisticated devices.
What was the method?
Weighing an Elephant Puzzle Solution
Load the elephant onto a boat large enough to carry it. The boat will sink slightly, and you mark the level of the water on the side of the boat. Then you offload the elephant and fill the boat with bags until the boat sinks to the level marked. The bags can be individually weighed using beam scales and the weight of the elephant is the sum of the weight of the bags.This puzzle is slightly cunning in that it the geographic location of the city is a small clue.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Games Reviewer
5:40 AM
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A team of four girls and six boys put together a 2200-piece jigsaw puzzle in 4 hours. The same jigsaw puzzle was put together in 8 hours by a team of two boys and five girls.
Who are better at putting jigsaw puzzles together, boys or girls?
Hydra Puzzle Solution
If 6 boys and 4 girls spend 4 hours to complete the jigsaw puzzle, then 3 boys and 2 girls will need 8 hours, which is also the amount of time needed by the team of 2 boys and 5 girls. The reader can see that the input of 1 extra boy on the first team equals the input of 3 extra girls on the other team. The conclusion deduced is that the input from 1 boy is worth as much as the input from 3 girls.To be more precise, it is possible to demonstate that each boy can put together, in one hour, 75 pieces of the puzzle, compared to the 25 for each girl. This is because, if we say that 6 boys and 4 girls (ie team 1) are equal to 22 girls ((6 * 3) + 4), and since that team puts together 550 pieces per hour (2200 / 4), then the workforce of each team member equals 25 pieces/hour (550 / 22).
Sorry ladies about the "non politically correct" nature of this puzzle, but I'm just translating. I was actually thinking of using Martians and Venusians instead, but then I thought "Who cares!"
Monday, November 24, 2014
Top Secret
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5:36 AM
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With his heart rate increasing steadily, James Bents (alias
Lt-Colonel Ivanovic Zdanov, as far as the KGB were concerned) lined up
behind the scientists who were walking towards the internal gate. Thanks
to his forged documentation, he was able to pass through the two
previous gates. He was aware that to get right inside the missile
launch-pad, he would need to supply a password. He had been informed
that the password changed daily. Only his extreme cool and many years of
training enabled him to contain the fear.
The two scientists in front of him reached the gate, which was patrolled by machine-gun wielding soldiers. He strained to hear the voices of the people ahead of him in the queue.
"Twelve?" asked the guard.
"Six," replied the first scientist.
The first scientist strode through the gate as the second one walked to the guard.
"Six?" asked the guard.
"Three," replied the second scientist and walked through.
Relief and confidience spread through Bents; the method that drove questions and answers was trivial. He stepped forward.
"Nine?" asked the guard.
Brents hesitated for a split second. This was an unpredicted complication, but his arduous conditioning allowed the secret agent to remain calm and as sharp as a razorblade. "Four and a half," he answered without blinking.
Quite suddenly, the entire area was filled with floodlights. Alarm sirens broke the silence of the otherwise peaceful night. In a fraction of a second the Lt-Colonel realised his mistake. He tried to turn on his heels and run, but instantly felt the cold barrel of a machine-gun pressed against his neck.
What was the secret agent's fatal mistake?
The two scientists in front of him reached the gate, which was patrolled by machine-gun wielding soldiers. He strained to hear the voices of the people ahead of him in the queue.
"Twelve?" asked the guard.
"Six," replied the first scientist.
The first scientist strode through the gate as the second one walked to the guard.
"Six?" asked the guard.
"Three," replied the second scientist and walked through.
Relief and confidience spread through Bents; the method that drove questions and answers was trivial. He stepped forward.
"Nine?" asked the guard.
Brents hesitated for a split second. This was an unpredicted complication, but his arduous conditioning allowed the secret agent to remain calm and as sharp as a razorblade. "Four and a half," he answered without blinking.
Quite suddenly, the entire area was filled with floodlights. Alarm sirens broke the silence of the otherwise peaceful night. In a fraction of a second the Lt-Colonel realised his mistake. He tried to turn on his heels and run, but instantly felt the cold barrel of a machine-gun pressed against his neck.
What was the secret agent's fatal mistake?
Top Secret Puzzle Solution
The answers given were the the number of letters in the question. When asked "Nine?" the secret agent should have answered "Four".Sunday, November 23, 2014
Luminarium Labyrinth
Games Reviewer
5:20 PM
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luminarium labyrinth
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Luminarium is a project of British architectural bureau Architects of Air, which is traveling the world for over twenty years. During this time, it had more than five hundred exhibitions in thirty-eight countries.
Luminarium - a giant inflatable maze with winding passages and pompous domes that resemble masterpieces of Islamic architecture, Archimedean solids and Gothic cathedrals. All this incredible diversity is transformed into an inspiring monument to light and color. The height of the dome may reach ten meters, and the entire structure covers an area of one thousand square meters.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Games Reviewer
8:23 AM
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How long will it take for the bells to signal twelve o'clock (midday)?
Notes: It is not 10 seconds!
Mizar Puzzle Solution:
11 seconds. The 5 seconds needed to signal six o'clock are the 5 silent intermissions between rings. At twelve, the 12 rings are interleaved by 11 silent intermissions, which need 11 seconds to be executed.Friday, September 5, 2014
Amazing Life-Sized Games
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4:41 AM
angry birds
board games
brain teasing games
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life-sized games
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A lot of creative experiments take place every day around the world. IN this gallery we want to present you several board games, computer games or brain teasers made life-sized. These games were created for entertainment, as well as to assist people achieve e better orientation in space. Enjoy the gallery!
1. A group of anonymous artists known as ‘Bored‘ has created a life-size version of Monopoly using the streets of Chicago as their giant game board.
2. In honor of the board game's 60th anniversary in 2009, the crookedest street in the U.S., Lombard Street, San Francisco, was transformed into the sweetest board game around - Candyland.
3. On the 3rd annual Michigan Fallapalooza in 2007 - a day of games, music and sidewalk sales, the life-sized game of Hasbro's popular Chutes and Ladders was perhaps the most attractive event.
4. The world's biggest game of Scrabble was played out on the pitch at Wembley stadium.
5. The world's biggest Chess set by Guinness has a the King that is coming in at 48 inches high.
6. Human-sized Angry Birds was made in the Mount Faber in Singapore and it is super fun!
1. A group of anonymous artists known as ‘Bored‘ has created a life-size version of Monopoly using the streets of Chicago as their giant game board.
2. In honor of the board game's 60th anniversary in 2009, the crookedest street in the U.S., Lombard Street, San Francisco, was transformed into the sweetest board game around - Candyland.
3. On the 3rd annual Michigan Fallapalooza in 2007 - a day of games, music and sidewalk sales, the life-sized game of Hasbro's popular Chutes and Ladders was perhaps the most attractive event.
4. The world's biggest game of Scrabble was played out on the pitch at Wembley stadium.
5. The world's biggest Chess set by Guinness has a the King that is coming in at 48 inches high.
6. Human-sized Angry Birds was made in the Mount Faber in Singapore and it is super fun!
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Unique Motorcycle Design
Games Reviewer
7:36 AM
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Moto art lovers will certainly like this post. These motorcycles are really lovely, they have a unique design and are evaluated at about $500 000. Enjoy the gallery!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Turning Into a Giant Tarantula
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3:12 AM
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Scotch Tape Artwork
Games Reviewer
6:47 AM
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modern art jigsaw puzzles
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scotch tape art
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These are unique works of art made by the Dutch artist Max Zorn using scotch tape. He glues the scotch in the right places, while the rest is just a game of light. Enjoy the Gallery.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Impressive Clouds Shapes
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3:56 AM
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clouds shapes
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Amazing photo gallery gathered from all around the world showing impressive landscapes containing unusually shaped clouds. Enjoy the pictures!
Friday, June 13, 2014
The Missing Square Puzzle Paradox
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2:44 PM
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missing square puzzle
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The missing square puzzle is an optical illusion used in mathematics classes to help students understand geometrical figures. It depicts two arrangements made of similar shapes in somewhat different configurations.
The key to the puzzle is the fact that neither of the "triangles" is truly a triangle, because what appears to be the hypotenuse is bent. In other words, the "hypotenuse" does not maintain a consistent slope, even though it may appear that way to the human eye. So, with the bent hypotenuse the first figure actually occupies a combined 32 units, while the second figure occupies 33, including the "missing" square. Note the grid point where the red and blue triangles in the lower image meet and compare it to the same point on the other figure; the edge is slightly under the mark in the upper image, but goes through it in the lower. A very fascinating and interesting geometrical puzzle.
The key to the puzzle is the fact that neither of the "triangles" is truly a triangle, because what appears to be the hypotenuse is bent. In other words, the "hypotenuse" does not maintain a consistent slope, even though it may appear that way to the human eye. So, with the bent hypotenuse the first figure actually occupies a combined 32 units, while the second figure occupies 33, including the "missing" square. Note the grid point where the red and blue triangles in the lower image meet and compare it to the same point on the other figure; the edge is slightly under the mark in the upper image, but goes through it in the lower. A very fascinating and interesting geometrical puzzle.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Illusion Building Bâtiment
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2:53 AM
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Bâtiment Building is a mirrored installation made by artist Leandro Erlich on display at Le 104 in Paris as part of his "In Perceptions" exhibition. The piece is bright in its simplicity as it consists of a massive building facade is constructed on the floor near a towering mirror giving anyone reflected the uncanny appearance of being weightless. Enjoy this beautiful piece of architecture in the photo gallery presented below.
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