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Monday, July 27, 2015

The Devil's Muse

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It's everybody's fate, but unfortunately for you today it's yours. You die and wander through a long tunnel towards a light. But, wait a second, that's not white light? It's crimson red!

Indeed, going through the gate at the end you face an enormous deity, cloaked in flames, holding a gigantic trident in one hand. On this trident you can make out two bodies speared to it... beads of sweat start to form on your forehead, and they're not from the heat that's omnipresent in this room.
"Hahaha", the Devil laughs, "don't be afraid. You won't necessarily end up like them... they're just the souls of Mickey and Tung. They sold them to me in exchange for the ability to create awesome websites, or something like that, never kept contact with them though... Now, the fact you're here is that this millennium it's my turn to decide who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell. St. Peter really needed that 1000 year vacation, so I'm on duty now. Since I'm the boss, I get to decide who goes where. And, to be completely honest, this 'Good/Bad'behaviour thingy... it's a bit outdated, isn't it ?

devil's muse riddle

Instead, I would like to read some poetry to you."

And so the Devil starts to recite :

Evil am I.
as so to die not sane.

Menace I lay.
A stab mocks.
I revolt.
No din is still.

I kidnap and I kill.
It's sin I don't love.
Risk combat.
Say a lie.

Cane men.
A stone I do toss!
I'm alive.

"Now", the Devil says. "If you can point out the single most peculiar thing about this poem to me, I'll let you go and you can take that elevator over there.... what ? ... yeah yeah, the one with hostesses dressed like poultry at its doors... now start thinking, 'cause I ain't got all day!".

Right at that moment you notice that there's still one spike unoccupied on Satan's trident...

What is so special about the Devil's poem?

The Devil's Muse Puzzle Solution

It's a palindrome.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

JIgsaw Puzzles Online - Relax and Train Your Mind

A new resource of online jigsaw puzzles is ready to be used and conquered by creative and sharp minds. is a beautiful collection of online jigsaw puzzles with the possibility to explore and solve them.

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